Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wars & Piracy

The LTC have never officially been pressed to serve as part of the Stormwind Navy, nor as part of a unified Alliance unit. It is however constantly utilized as transport and shipping by various entities, dominantly of "forthright" organizations.

There are some who would argue otherwise as they have been reported to have shipped/transported Horde forces during joint operations. The only reports that can be corroborated are where members of "neutral" organizations who happened to be defected/sympathetic/of races generally associated with Horde, were on LTC property, and therefore not subject to articles of war concerning combatants.

As to it's own agenda concerning piracy and privateering as opposed to being a proper naval unit. The LTC has never initiated a conflict that was not clearly evident, nor has it done any "property recovery" beyond salvage without consent of the proper owners. The ships of the LTC do not strike fear in anyone's heart, nor are the crews whispered about in seedy dens, BUT most savvy sea-goers will acknowledge there vessels are not to be trifled with.

The LTC is not immune to piracy across the seas of Azeroth, there are well documented encounters with various small raiding groups, as well as the dreaded Bloodsail Buccaneers. The oddity comes from the mysteriously small number of encounters there are. Most trade organizations can reliably point to a percentage of loss that varies depending on the cargo and the route, whereas the LTC's percentage always seems to be half, if not less than, others projections.

This "safety assurance" is often cited as a compelling reason to do business with the LTC, but there do seem to be conflicting reports over various costs as a client. More common clients looking for safe passage have reported incredibly low prices, while some larger merchant operations with massive cargo to move, and deep pockets to move it, have been quoted outrageous sums.
The LTC's reply to any inquiries as to the discrepancy is often met with the simple statement that various factors always play into pricing and availability, and as such, "the fares are as constant as the seas themselves."